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    Looking to build muscle and gain strength? The platform for the TA2 Program is built on a 5-day training split, with each muscle-group trained on separate days. This approach allows for multiple exercises per body-part, a higher quality of work, and ultimately more muscle.

    STEP 1: Click "Start Program"

    STEP 2: Select the month

    STEP 3: Select the week

    STEP 4: Select the day

    STEP 5: Follow the video for each exercise

    STEP 6: Rest for 60 seconds between each set

    STEP 7: Rest for 60 seconds between exercise

    STEP 8: When you finish click "End Workout"

    What Does The Name "TA2" Stand For?

    TA2 stands for “Train Anywhere. Train Anytime”, and with the TA2 Muscle Building program, paired with Undersun Resistance Bands, you will have the freedom to do precisely that. Don't be fooled with all that flexibility though, TA2 is a true muscle building and strength program.

    What Makes This Program Different Than Other Resistance Band Programs?

    Most of the resistance band programs out there are designed as full-body workouts. The downside of this style of training is that it's almost impossible to give each muscle group the concentrated attention they need to maximize muscle development. TA2 was designed using a weekly muscle building "split"with each muscle-group trained on separate days. This approach allows for multiple exercises per body-part, a higher quality of work, and ultimately more muscle.

    Can Resistance Bands Build Muscle Like Traditional Free Weights?

    Not only can resistance bands build muscle just like traditional weights, they even have some advantages over free weights, other than just being portable. Unlike free weights where the level of resistance is fixed throughout an exercise, resistance bands create Linear Variable Resistance (LVR), meaning that the more you stretch them, the more resistance they create. This variable resistance more closely matches the natural strength curve of your muscles, where you are typically weaker at the start of a movement and stronger toward the end. This allows for stronger peak contractions, and therefore more potential muscle growth.

    How Does The Program Work?

    The TA2 Muscle Building Program follows a time-proven muscle building split, with each muscle group broken up into different training days. Each workout consists of multiple exercises per body part, with a strategically designed set and rep structure, to maximize mind-muscle connection, elicit peak muscular contractions, and develop explosive strength and muscle growth. Every 4-weeks the program progresses, attacking the muscles with new angles, and new exercises, utilizing resistance bands only.

    How Many Days Per Week Do You Work Out?

    The TA2 Muscle Building Program follows a 5-day muscle building split, with each muscle group trained different days. The most effective schedule is 2-days in a row of workouts, followed by 1-day rest, then 3-days of workouts, followed by 1-day of rest, before starting the cycle again. This split allows for adequate recovery for all muscle groups.

    Here’s what it would look like:

    Sunday: Off

    Monday: Back

    Tuesday: Chest

    Wednesday: Off

    Thursday: Arms

    Friday: Shoulders

    Saturday: Legs

    How Long Is Each Workout?

    Most of the workouts are 4 total exercises, with 4-sets per exercise. If you keep your rest between sets down to 1-minute, you should be able to complete each exercise in 6-7 minutes. At four exercises this puts your total workout time at roughly 30-minutes. It’s a misconception that you need to spend an hour plus in the gym to build muscle. Whether you’re training with resistance bands, machines or free-weights, if your workout is more than 40-minutes, that you just means you’re resting too long.

    How Do You Use The Calendar?

    To make it easy to follow the program we’ve created a calendar on the main page, with all 12-weeks of the program. The workout and rest days are already scheduled in for you, so all you need to do for each workout is click on appropriate day. That will take you directly to your workout for the day. When you’ve completed the workout click the “END WORKOUT” button. Each time you login you will be taken back to this same main calendar page.

    How Long Is The Rest Between Each Exercise?

    To shorten your workout time, and keep the intensity high, it’s recommended that you only rest 60-seconds between exercises. This is going to keep your heart-rate elevated as well, which will have a calorie burning effect. If you need more rest time, go ahead and take it. As you progress through the program just incrementally shorten your rest periods and try to get down to that 60-second mark.

    How Long Is The Rest Between Sets?

    Just like the rest between exercises, ideally you want to keep your rest between sets to 60-seconds.

    How Many Sets Do I Do?

    For each exercise, in the TA2 Muscle Building Program, you will be doing 4 total sets.

    How Many Reps Do I Do?

    The TA2 Muscle Building Program was designed using a 20/10/10/15 Rep Structure, popularized by TA2 Co-Creator, James Grage.